2020-04-03 12:10 AM
In my Nucleo while debugging STLINK LD1(RED and GREEN) is not blinking. I study with some of documents. it is communication error, But the debugging is is normal
Please tell me what is the problem ? Any settings to change ?
I have attached the photo. Now nucleo is debugging mode
2020-04-03 8:11 PM
So st-link programming and debugging works okay but just the LED is unlit? Could probe the led to ensure it actually works. But I wouldn't spend time on it. There must be more important things to do.
2020-04-03 11:41 PM
Ok, But it seems communication error I think. Ok how to flash my nucleo with stm32cubeide without debugging ?
2020-04-04 4:06 AM
Try updating ST-LINK firmware to current.
Can it run Cube Programmer?
2020-04-04 10:40 PM
No I did't tried yet. But I would like to stay inside only cubeide. I want to learn all the things this cubeide. It is good for me. I wont migrate from cubeide.
Because already switched form KEIL(without proper use). At least I would like to learn all the things using this cubeide.
Thanks @Community member and @TDK :)
2020-04-04 10:42 PM
Please let me know if any other. I already upgraded using HELP-> ST LINK Upgrade in CubeIDE. But no Improvement.
2020-04-04 11:14 PM
And I have some of the questions.
How do I generate 2Mhz frequency using timer. What is the timer calculation ?
I got calculation like from youtube.
Peripheral clock/Desired clock = value = PSC*ARR
Is it Correct ?.
In PIC timer(8bit) I know well
that is (4/FXT)*A*(256-B)
FXT = external clock
B = Timer counter
(4/16Mhz)*32*(256-100) = 0.001248 Means timer over flow every 1us
But in STM32 it is different.
Please ket me know the calculation
Thanks to every one.