2015-01-01 10:23 PM
Which tool and IDE to be used for the STM32F407XX and STM32F407XX family?
With reference to our project application, the �STM32F407XX and STM32F407XX� family are suitable and thus we are planning to purchase �STM3240G-EVAL and STM3242I-SK/IAR Development board�. But we have a doubt that, which tool and IDE to be used, specifically the one comes with board i.e. STM32F407IGT6 and STM32F429II? Also what will be other deliverable materials or tools with the board, if we will purchase? #ide-and-tool-for-stm32f407xx-&-s2015-01-02 5:44 AM
Suggest you download some evaluations of Keil, Rowley, IAR and Atollic, and see which one you like, with the flow and function you want. To understand the deliverables you might want to call and discuss with the vendor.
Consider getting some cheap DISCO boards, tinker with those and get your bearings with the platform.2015-01-02 9:03 PM
Thanks for the reply, Clive1.
What could be usefulness of the STM32CubeMX software and its F4 subsequent software? After the use of this, is it necessary to use either ARM, IAR or Attolic's one? The free IDE like CooCox and emIDE is good or not?