2008-06-23 2:07 AM
IAP example problem
2011-05-17 3:24 AM
no sorry, that project contains propetary code.
But it should not be hard to generate lots of code, just place a lot of constant data in flash.2011-05-17 3:24 AM
I have been testing the IAP example application, and find that it works fine as long as the file you are downloading is < 1024 bytes (like the example binary coming with the IAP) !! If the file is > 1024 bytes, the last 16 bytes in that block (1024) are programmed to 0x00 ??? I havent been able to find the problem yet, has anyone else seen this problem ? Programming the same binary using the hardware built in bootloader or a J-link works fine. BR Brian2011-05-17 3:24 AM
can you share the project you are using to generate a bin file >1024 bytes
2011-05-17 3:24 AM
first the size SysTick.bin coming with the IAP >1024 and it works fine and I tried another binary file with size >1024 and it works also fine.
2011-05-17 3:24 AM
Hi again,
I now find that using the IAR EWARM 4.42 along with the IAP example supplied by ST works fine (the Keil example also works :-)). However the example coming with new IAR EWARM 5.11 kickstart seems to be broken. Here the last 16 byte are set to 0x00 in every 1024 block. There is no source differences between the ST and IAR example, but (5.11)implements a new linker command file, which forces some new section assignments. And maybe this is the problem. Has anyone succesfully converted old IAR projects to the 5.11 version ? BR Brian2011-05-17 3:24 AM
2011-05-17 3:24 AM
2011-05-17 3:24 AM
IAR has released a new patch fixing the problem with memcopy. It's available @ ''My Pages'' from IAR web site.
2011-05-17 3:24 AM
I finally know, that my problem is not related to problems with the toolchain.
I used the startup script cortexm3_macro.s for the RIDE7 toolchain from the ST FWLIB. This got me somehow in trouble. I managed to kick some of the content out and compile a working firmware with working string operations. If I know what specifically went wrong, I will post it.