2018-05-23 04:44 AM
Im using i2c2 instance for STM32L4+ Nucleo144 L4R5ZI.
When i want to write the i2c2_start(), i do
a. /* Check the parameters */
b. /* Generate a START condition */
I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_START;
c. /* Disable the START condition generation */
?????? what i need to take here ??????
There is not SWRESET macro for i2c_cr2 in STM32L4r5xx.h, where as i have a reset for i2c1 (I2C_CR1_SWRST) and i dont have i2c_cr1_start for i2c1_cr1, which is available for i2c_cr2.
My doubt is to disable start condition in STM32L4+ what i need to take.