2020-08-23 8:08 AM
I am trying to configure I2C2 on an STM32F405RG on pins PB10/SCL and PB11/SDA, but I am getting very strange output on SDA.
STM32 is I2C master. Using I2C example from STM32F4-Discovery folder.
Using 4k7 ohm pull-ups to 3.3V.
Is the output pin broken, or what could I have missed?
Top is SCL and Bottom is SDA, trying to initiate communication repeatedly,
I would have tried I2C1 instead but the MCU is on a custom PCB and those pins are already occupied.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-08-23 10:49 AM
Thanks! Some times you just don't think about the obvious. Probe adjustment issue . Of course :)
2020-08-23 9:24 AM
Ok, so I patched the board and tried I2C1 on PB8 and 9 instead.
Exact same behaviour. So clearly something is wrong.
I am trying to run the STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.25.0\Projects\STM32F4-Discovery\Examples\I2C\I2C_TwoBoards_ComPolling example downloaded the other day.
Any ideas?
2020-08-23 10:28 AM
Bad solder joint? Broken wire? Try measuring directly at the pin, try to wiggle the pin as GPIO output, try measuring the same signal with both probes.
2020-08-23 10:49 AM
Thanks! Some times you just don't think about the obvious. Probe adjustment issue . Of course :)