2019-07-07 01:30 AM
i want to read ADC MCP3425 digital data using i2c communication with Stm32f103rb nucleo-64 board . For programming of nucleo-64 i used arduino ide.
1] Is it possible to modify default setting of MCU clock ?
2]what is the default setting of i2c clock frequency?
3]how to read single bit acknowledgement send by MCP3425 ADC? what's the instruction for that?
#include <Wire.h>
unsigned int HIGH_BYTE,LOW_BYTE;
unsigned int RECV_BYTE;
void setup()
Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus
void loop()
Wire.beginTransmission(0xD0); // transmit to device D0
HIGH_BYTE = Wire.read(); // receive byte as an integer
LOW_BYTE = Wire.read(); // receive byte as an integer
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting