2021-08-31 11:34 PM
I am thinking to use stm32f401re microcontroller in my project, my Project application is such that I have lot of IO Lines(approx 700) so my controller is 64Pin controller and I may need approximately 15 controllers to capture all my IO Data, and to communicate between the controllers I am thinking to use I2C, but I dont know how to configure slave ID to each controller and communicate b/w boards(Basically I am thinking to have one Master controller and other controllers as slave). Or if there is a better solution than I2C that is also fine, But I need to communicate all the boards with 1 master
Thanks In Advance
2021-09-01 12:50 AM
I2C will work. There are many examples of I2C slaves in the CubeF4 firmware. Here is one of them:
Might want to start with the basics and get a single master/slave working first.
2021-09-02 2:22 AM
Thanks, I will try it out
2021-09-03 9:09 AM
Maybe special comment , but when your IO is high speed then I2C is maybe slow for your idea. And too at one time you can only manage one Master-Slave traffic.
2021-09-04 6:57 PM
Use spi if the bus length is less than a meter if the slaves can be put in dsisy chain mode. This will be similar to some cascaded high speed adc and dac like analog devices....