2020-07-17 12:08 AM
I have connected in port B(SWD Interface), i tried both powering modes with no jumpers and with 1,2,3 jumper.
i am getting a error note $00000007 cannot enter into debug mode.
what may be the issue.?
2020-07-17 5:11 AM
Not really a Cyclone support site here, definitely don't see much traffic. Talk to PE Micro's support.
2020-08-24 8:27 AM
Generally and error $00000007 using the Cyclone Universal means that communication cannot be established with the target either due connection issue, power settings, or a setting that was used to establish communication. I would check that the ribbon cable is oriented correctly first. Then there should be an icon in the top right of the Cyclone LCD screen indicating whether the target is currently powered or not. If everything seems to be oriented correctly and the target has power, there may be an issue when selecting the programming algorithm or another setting before attempting to connect.
If you are able to provide some details on your connection setup, then we could go further.