2012-06-01 8:15 AM
I need help on my project, release is in 45 days and I still have a few bugs I can't get rid of. I'd need someone good in both soft and hardware to support me. Job is paid, of course. Thomas.2012-06-01 8:46 AM
While I doubt this site allow job postings, that is not my concern.
What I want to point out is that to get qualified help, you need be more specific. e.g. I am ''good in both soft and hardware'' but pretty hopeless in layout, I can whack some A/D code out in minutes, but will need to study if you are using I2S. I am not interested, just using myself as an example to illustrate the need for you to be specific. also, to get offers, you will need to include your e-mail Erik.2012-06-04 3:49 PM
''to get offers, you will need to include your e-mail''
And location. Have you looked at:http://www.st.com/internet/com/support/mcu_design_consultants.jsp
and/or spoken to your local distributor/rep/FAE/whatever?2012-06-10 5:36 AM
Don't bother worrying about N's negative comments.
He has been doing this all through the forum. Some kid who likes crittiquing everybody - without giving any actual helpful advice.