2017-08-30 11:12 PM
I need 4 output with pwm feature.
All pwm are the same period T of 200 Hz.
All pwm have independent dc ( duty cycle ) and independent dt ( dead time ) .
Is it possible configure the timer peripheral and the clock to have dead time configurable between 0 to T/2 ( half period )?
I'm using stm32f052 or stm32f072
2017-08-31 1:24 AM
Hello !
Dead Time can not be adjusted independently for each channel.
Dead time means at each PWM channel, are exists two complementary outputs.
Only Timer 1 and 8 have 3 channels with 2 complementary outputs per timer. The other timers don't have this functionality.
Timer 8 is not available in your MCUs
So .. the answer is no.
2017-08-31 3:40 AM
I'd go for 4 timers, all set to the same period; TRGO-TRGI linked to each other in daisly-chain fashion, TRGO always taken from an unused channel and determining the phase shift between two successive timers.
2017-08-31 4:08 AM
Hi Vangelis
I thinks that I will use Time1 Timer15
Timer16 and Timer17, each timer have its dead time, the problem is that I can'0t
have dead time configurable between 0 to T/2
I thinks
2017-08-31 4:11 AM
Hi Jan
sorry but I 'don't' understand, please tell me more thanks ..
2017-08-31 7:22 AM
2017-08-31 8:11 AM
Hi again !
My answer before, based on wrong datasheet resulted from search for stm32f052. Sorry for this
The divison of TimerClock used for producing DWT is maximum 4096 (1024 max from DTG Dead-time generator setup in TIMx_BDTR multiplied by 4 max from clock division CKD in TIMx_CR1 register)
Here are some examples how to achieve the DWT you desire.
Example 1
To achieve a DWT time ~ T/2 Timer clock CLKIN must not exceed 800 KHZ ( eg PSC=0 and ARR 4999 you have freq 200 Hz and period 5 ms)
In this case with CKD=2 and DTG[7:5]=0b111 and DTG[4:0]= configurable you can have 5 bit resolution DWT ( maximum CLkIN / 4096 which means about half period DWT 5.1 ms)
Example 2
To achieve a DWT time ~ T/2 Timer clock CLKIN must not exceed 100 KHZ ( eg PSC=0 and ARR 499 you have period 200 Hz and period 5 ms)
In this case with CKD=2 and DTG[7:5]=0b100 and DTG[5:0]= configurable you can have 6 bit resolution DWT ( maximum CLkIN / 256 which means above half period DWT )
You can clock the timers by using TRGO from other timers ofcourse (master slave configuration).
Its not desirable ofcourse to lower the APB bus toachieve theese frequencies.. but finaly is an option.
I Hope to gave you an idea about all this.
2017-08-31 8:44 AM
What do you mean with '
2017-08-31 8:52 AM
Hi i mean Dead Time Typo error
I use frequently the term DWT as 'deadweight'
Generaly this idea is to lower the freq of a timer to achieve bigger Dead Time.
2017-08-31 10:46 AM
Frankly, if your PWM period is only 200 Hz and your system doesn't have other time critical processes, you can create software PWMs to do exactly what you need. You didn't mention what resolution you need, but for 8 bit resolution, your inner loop only needs to run at 51.2Khz, which should be easy on a 48MHz part.
If you do have other time critical processes, you can run them in lock step with the PWM routine. I used this technique on a lowly PIC processor running at 4MHz to generate 3 PWM channels at 100 Hz, so four channels on a 48MHz part should be a piece of cake...