2021-03-16 8:26 AM
Use the registration code WS-STM32H73-EMEA-MAR25-2021 to buy the STM32H735G-DK discovery board on our e-store and benefit from free shipping. The STM32H735G-DK board is mandatory to participate in this workshop, as it will be used during the hands-on exercises.
If you already have the board, and therefore do not need to order it for the workshop, please let us know on this community channel
Your seat in the selected session will be confirmed shortly afterwards along with preparation instructions
2021-03-17 4:10 AM
ok thanks . please note that the session is run during CET , from Europe
2021-03-17 9:09 AM
OK, When will I get a Link with the Time shown for the session?
2021-03-22 12:46 AM
@Sylvie Boube-Politano , I will strongly suggest that ST should include the question of whether a potential participant has a required development board for a seminar or NOT during the initial announcement instead of asking people to come here to confirm they have a board. I have noticed that including me many people had seats taken away using your current system. I find it really insulting to be put through this ridiculous exercise and have thus decided not to bother attending any of the ST seminars. And being the boss have advised my employees likewise. Considering the fact that some of us own a ton of your different boards, please give us some respect!