2016-05-23 03:15 AM
i have an application that should restart from time to time (bootloader). Currently I do NVIC_SystemReset(). But it seems that only the CortexCore and not the internal peripherals are reset. Some of the CubeMx Functions have problems with _init() when the module is not in state as of after power_on reset. So my question: How can I put the CPU and all peripherals into a state as of after Power_on reset, just by software command from my running application? best regards, Adib. #!stm32-!cubemx-!reset2016-05-23 03:50 AM
I found something using i.e.
__AHB1_FORCE_RESET() and __AHB1_RELEASE_RESET() how many time do I have to wait in between and after the release command? Regards, Adib.