2022-05-31 5:17 AM
2022-05-31 5:58 AM
Review the Application Circuits, and perhaps work with an Analog Devices FAE
2022-05-31 6:20 AM
I work with it , but i don't know what take reading and convert into accurate reading for my project.
2022-05-31 8:18 AM
Exactly the same way you'd work with it using any other microcontroller.
The AD8232 neither knows nor cares what microcontroller you use.
"i don't know what take reading and convert into accurate reading"
Those things are not dependent on what microcontroller you use - you need to consult the Analog Devices documentation and other supporting materials for that:
2022-05-31 8:30 AM
Can you help me for how to implement all things with MCU ?
2022-05-31 8:35 AM
Have you actually read any of the AD8232 documentation?
it's just an analogue front-end.
2022-05-31 9:10 AM
Yes , i read and design pcb for my project . but stm32 is new for me , so i am confuse for how to take reading and what will do for making accurate reading.
2022-05-31 9:36 AM
Hopefully you've wired it up to some ADC pins, and the design is very electrically quiet, with attention to how you've run the traces with the analogue signals, and kept digital noise out of the power supplies.
Perhaps look at some CubeF3 / HAL examples for the ADC usage
What you're designing is relatively niche, you should work with your co-workers or supervisor.
2022-05-31 9:39 AM
Actually i am designing portable ecg machine for my collage project.
2022-05-31 11:02 AM
So, leaving aside the STM32, do you understand in principle what you need to do?
Do you have a design outline of what processes need to happen?
This should be independent of what microcontroller you use.
You should be discussing this with your co-worker(s) and/or supervisor.
"stm32 is new for me"
Are you familiar with any other microcontroller(s)?