2021-10-06 2:50 AM
Hello STM32 Family,
Good Afternoon
Hope you are Safe and Happy.
Currently we are working with STM32 Controllers, We have Received one New Task ..
we are sharing Project code with our clients , How they can Edit the Code and Flash to controller without having Workbench or CubeMX
Thanks in Advance.
2021-10-06 4:36 AM
For sharing, use something like GitHub.
For editing, any text editor will do.
For building, why would you not agree on a common setup, and have everyone on the project use that?
Sure, they could install their own toolchain, and makefiles, etc, etc - but it would be far easier to just download & install the same as you use!
Remote collaboration has enough challenges already without adding the use of different environments!
2021-10-06 4:48 AM
But after editing will my Code updates in Bin file or Hex file ?
2021-10-06 4:50 AM
As I Know only compiler can Generate Bin file or Hex file Right, after editing it should work ... Thats our Requirement
2021-10-06 4:50 AM
But after editing will my Code updates in Bin file or Hex file ?
As I Know only compiler can Generate Bin file or Hex file Right, after editing it should work ... Thats our Requirement
2021-10-06 4:54 AM
You'll need to rebuild with a compiler/linker, this isn't magic.
You could perhaps construct a different build environment using make and the GNU/GCC tools more directly, if your client is incapable of using the Cube tools.
You could perhaps simplify the build by using/supplying libraries of unchanging components.
2021-10-06 4:56 AM
I Will Mention my all Requirements Here :
We are Going to share our STM32 code to our Client Company, But they are not Install any Related softwares like STM32 Cube IDE, STM32 Workbench etc... But They denieying to install Related setup like this..
so as you mentioned They can edit with any Editors, But will it Reflects in Actual code or (Bin file or Hex file) ?
2021-10-06 5:57 AM
"They can edit with any Editors, But will it Reflects in Actual code or (Bin file or Hex file) ?"
Of course not - the final output is only generated by a build.
"We are Going to share our STM32 code to our Client Company, But they are not Install any Related softwares like STM32 Cube IDE, STM32 Workbench etc."
So how do they intend to build the code, then?
If they can't build it, what's the point in them editing it?
If you use something like GitHub, that would allow them to edit the source, and then you could build it for them ...
2021-10-06 6:02 AM
"As I Know only compiler can Generate Bin file or Hex file"
Not quite: the Compiler doesn't generate the bin or hex - that comes from the Linker's output.
See the diagrams here to understand the build process, and where Compiler, Linker, etc, fit:
Note that this is all standard software development stuff - not specific to STM32; not even specific to C:
"after editing it should work"
Again, editing the source won't affect the bin or hex unless and until you do a (successful) build.
2021-10-06 6:08 AM
@Community member "You could perhaps construct a different build environment using make and the GNU/GCC tools more directly, if your client is incapable of using the Cube tools"
Of course, it's possible; but it seems unlikely that a client that's incapable of taking an existing project and just opening/building it in Cube is going to be capable of creating & using a build environment from the "raw" GCC tools ... ?