2019-02-28 09:34 AM
The Marketing documentation and CubeExpansion Doxygen has some hints to the LoRaWAN use case.
But the source files are not included.
/tmp/STM32CubeExpansion_STSAFE-A1xx_v2.3.5$ grep -ri lora
Binary file Middlewares/ST/STSAFE_A1xx/Documentation/STSAFE-A_Wrapper.chm matches
Middlewares/ST/STSAFE_A1xx/Wrapper/Doxygen/STSAFE-A_Wrapper_Doxyfile:EXCLUDE = ../Inc/stsafe_a_lora.h \
Middlewares/ST/STSAFE_A1xx/Wrapper/Doxygen/STSAFE-A_Wrapper_Doxyfile: ../Src/stsafe_a_lora.c \
Middlewares/ST/STSAFE_A1xx/Wrapper/Inc/stsafe_a_types.h: STSAFE_A_LORA_KEY_SLOT_TAG = 0x18,
2019-02-28 09:59 AM
I'd expect you'd need to talk to an FAE under NDA to get access, normally how sensitive stuff gets discussed/disclosed.