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How to use STM32Cube expansion packages?

Posted on September 29, 2016 at 14:08

Take, for example, the STM32CubeExpansion_BLE1 package.

I'm using SW4STM and can import one of the example projects from the above package. I can then modify that project etc. No problem.

However, I cannot work out how to create a project from scratch and then include the expansion package.

Using SW4STM I can create a project using the standard peripheral libs or CUBE HAL libs but what about the expansion packages?

The best info I can come up with is UM1873 (section 3.4 onwards) but that really just gives a very general guide as to how to find the drivers and middleware, not how to actually use them.

Any pointers would be very welcome!

EDIT: just to be clear, I am not talking about how to use aci_gatt_add_serv() or whatever. I am talking about how to configure my project so it will actually build and link to the expansion package libraries.
Senior II
Posted on September 29, 2016 at 19:40

Hi Toby, 

As mentionned in the part''3.5.3 Testing the sample application'' :

''Please download the BlueNRG GUI installer provided inSTSW-BlueNRG-DK. Detailed instructions regarding its use can be found in UM1686:BlueNRG development kits. ''

shows a demonstration application demo that helps you to create you own BLE application.


Posted on September 29, 2016 at 20:10

Thanks, but I don't understand your reply. I think you are referring to the BlueNRG UI application which I do not require as I have already written an android app to act as BLE client. I also have the code required for my STM32F target server application. I just don't have that code building and linking in my own project in SW4STM.

The basic information of where the middleware and driver files are in the package is in both UM1686 and UM1873 however I have found nothing that says how these should be used. To be clear, I am talking about setting up the project in SW4STM (or any other IDE), not the actually coding of the application.

I have used BLE as an example (as that is what I need working now) but I think my question is a basic one on how the CUBE expansion packages are designed to be used.



Posted on November 09, 2016 at 10:11

A follow up to close this one off.

After some offline help from a rep I slowly worked out the general format of the hal libraries (BSP, HAL drivers, Middleware etc) and how to configure sw4stm to use them.

It really wasn't helped by how the example projects are configured - huge directory trees, linked files and directories, includes not visible in the project explorer etc etc. But I got there in the end ;)

I think my message it ST here is please, please write a simple guide for this stuff.

 Not the ''import an example project like this'' guide, but a ''create a cubeMX project, copy (or link) to these expansion pack directories (eg BSP, middleware etc) and include then in sw4stm like this'' type thing.

It would have saved me days of work that I will never get paid for... :(

Oh, and my other message? 20k binary for a very simple project just setting up the BLE module?  Really? Is this some sort of master plan to make us all use more expensive processors?

Rant over, but I think ST should know this stuff made me very seriously consider a different hardware platform on this job.......