2015-08-30 2:10 AM
In Ac6 System Workbench for STM32 environment, how to use J-Link for debug?
#j-link-ac6 #ac6-new-board-defineSolved! Go to Solution.
2016-12-21 11:00 PM
2015-08-31 4:51 AM
Hi wjandsq,
Generally openocd supports J-Link, but it depends on the board you are using. Try to follow these steps:-Open debug Configurations, under Debugger view, script:
Tick Use local script
Browse configuration script and go to
-..\STM32Cube_FW_F3_V1.2.0\Projects\board _name\Examples\..\..\SW4STM32\board_name/.custom.cfg
In .custom.cfg:
*change line 4 by source [find interface/jlink.cfg]
*comment transport select “hla_swd�
*change line 10 to source [find target/stm32f3x.cfg] (for f3 family for instance)
Could you please also precise your board? -Shahrzad-2015-09-12 8:29 PM
Hi shahrzad!
Thank your reply! In Ac6 System Workbench for STM32 environment,new board define have no jlink, my custom board use stm32f4xx.1 # This is an ac6_f4_std board with a single STM32F407ZETx chip.2 # Generated by System Workbench for STM3234 source [find interface/jlink.cfg]5 6 set WORKAREASIZE 0x200007 transport select ''hla_swd''8910 source [find target/stm32f4x.cfg]11 12 # use hardware reset, connect under reset13 reset_config srst_only srst_nogate fail to debug2015-09-14 8:31 AM
May be the Ac6 / SW forum would be a better place to find support, scripts and templates for J-Link debugger support?
2015-09-15 5:23 AM
that forum is almost dead...
2015-09-15 5:57 AM
that forum is almost dead...
That doesn't reflect well on the user base then, does it...2015-09-15 7:07 AM
Hi wjandsq,
Ensure that you have selected a board for your project, otherwise the debug session will not run.2015-09-19 6:06 AM
I will try again,Thanks!
Open OCDä¸�能直接æ�?¯æŒ�Jlink,需è¦�ä¿®æ�?¹Jlink驱动,宣布失败,ä¸�å†�å°�试了。2016-12-21 11:00 PM
2016-12-21 11:01 PM
Ac6 use JLink Debug OK! the modify is