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How to use HRTIM instead of general purpose timer for period measurement (input capture)?

Associate III

I have successfully measured the period (2us) of some pwm signals with timer3 with the NUCLEOh743 board with this code:

uint32_t inputCaptureVal;
void HAL_TIM_IC_CaptureCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim)
	if (htim->Instance==TIM3)

With this: htim3.Init.Prescaler = 20; and the chip running at 96MHz, i should be able to measure a 1us period with 208.83ns accuracy. However, i am unable to measure anything under 2+us. Also for a period of 170us i am measuring 163us and i am encountering similar faults for different measurements. Any ideas?

I would like to use HRTIM in order to measure smaller times between two events (pwm or anything else). Is that possible with a similar approach by using



thanks and please help me with any mistakes i might be making


@ST Community​  any FAEs covering HRTIM functionality?

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