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How to use DSP library with STM32L1xx on IAR?

Associate II
Posted on March 02, 2014 at 16:14


I want to use DSP library functions on STM32L1xx.

STM32L1xx is using ARM-cortex M3, same as STM32F1xx.

How can I include the DSP library (ST library or CMSIS library) to a project?


Posted on March 02, 2014 at 17:39


I'd suspect you'd need to drop the appropriate source files into the project, and get the include paths set up.

You might want to load the F1 project in EWARM and inspect how it's constructed.
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Associate II
Posted on March 03, 2014 at 16:01

Thanks, it works 🙂

For other users:

1. Need to mark CMSIS and DSP Library support in ''library configuration'' of the project.

2. Need to copy the DSP lib files to your own project dir.

3. Need to add the DSP lib files to your project.

4. Need to add to the preprocessor options the location of the DSP lib for include files.

Good luck.