2024-06-04 09:01 PM
Hi there,
I am verifying the USB DFU bootloader in STM32F429BI.
I can normally enter the bootloader and connect my MCU using stm32CubeProg.
I can succeed in the program flash when I check the "Full Chip erase" option, otherwise, it will fail sometimes(see the LOG in the attachment)!
But if "Full Chip erase", it needs a bit long time. Can I erase the sector when needed only?
One more, each time I flash the program, I must reset the MCU by hand, can I set the MCU to auto-reset after download?
Thanks for your help.
My code as below:
typedef void (*pFunction)(void);
uint32_t endstack = 0x20030000;
uint32_t *bootloader_flag;
uint32_t JumpAddress;
pFunction JumpToBootLoader;
int main(void)
bootloader_flag = (uint32_t*)(endstack - BOOTLOADER_FLAG_OFFSET);
if(*bootloader_flag == BOOTLOADER_FLAG_VALUE) {
*bootloader_flag = 0;
JumpAddress = *(__IO uint32_t*)(BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS + 4);
JumpToBootLoader = (pFunction)JumpAddress;
__set_MSP(*(__IO uint32_t*)BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS);
} else {
*bootloader_flag = 0x1234ABCD;
LOG_DBG("\n\nSTM32V6 USB DFU BootLoader test flag[0x%08x]...\n", *bootloader_flag);
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t*)"send 0x5A to update...\r\n", strlen("send 0x5A to update...\r\n"), 100);
uint8_t rxBuf[10];
while (1)
LOG_DBG("DELAY 1s\n"); // hex1
//LOG_DBG("delay 1s\n"); // hex2
HAL_UART_Receive(&huart1, rxBuf, 1, 20);
if(rxBuf[0] == 0x5A) {
*bootloader_flag = BOOTLOADER_FLAG_VALUE;
LOG_DBG("Jump to BootLoader, flag[0x%08x]...\n", *bootloader_flag);
2024-06-04 09:09 PM
I have generated "hex1" and "hex2" for testing. (The difference at line 39-40)
When I check the "Full Chip erase", both "hex1" to "hex2" and "hex2" to "hex1" are OK;
But when I don't check the "Full Chip erase", only "hex2" to "hex1" is successful, and "hex1" to "hex2" failed. (This means "delay to DELAY" failed, "DELAY to delay" successed)
2024-06-04 11:17 PM
I am trying to connect the bootloader by UART in stm32cubeProg, but it failed... The steps are as follows:
1. pull boot0 high;
2. click the connect button in stm32cubeProg;
3. reset the MCU, then some error message in the attachment;
I can enter the UART bootloader by serial assistant as following steps:
1. open the serial assistant and keep sending 0x7F;
2. pull boot0 high;
3. reset the MCU;
4. the serial assistant can receive 0x79 0x1F 0x1F....