2021-01-05 10:00 PM
When I use Keil MDK V5.30 build target file,it cames. So how can I solve it.
2021-10-14 1:39 AM
Did you solved the problem ?
2021-10-14 2:21 AM
Check that it is building into different directories for each sub-project
2021-10-14 6:16 AM
Yes I use this to build two different Project Targets with different versions of the HAL Drivers. Each Target have a own Output Folder and even wehen I delete alle .o-Files in the folder this message occures.
2021-10-20 12:17 AM
This occurs when the build contains two files with the same exact name, make sure every other "main.c" "stm32h7xx_it.c" and stm32h7xx_hal_map.c" is EXCLUDED in the current target build options.
Right click on the file on project view, then "Option for target", then uncheck include in Target Build in the screen you posted for the CM4.
In the same way, check the box in the CM7 files making sure the check is black and not grey.