2017-07-19 6:51 AM
How to set preprocessor symbols using stm32f407xx and LL library( Keil uVision ) .
#stm32f407 #define-stm32f407xx #preprocessor #stm32's-ll-library2017-07-19 7:22 AM
I work on a project with stm32f407VG made initialy by CubeMX (KEIL Uvision)
It uses LL drivers (USB dev)
I have the standard definition USE_HAL_DRIVER and works fine.
2017-07-20 4:57 AM
if we use just LL we should put the preprocessor instruction ' STM32F407xx,USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER '
2017-07-20 6:03 AM
the answer is yes .
Take a look at this
at page 24