2023-05-15 7:37 AM
I'm looking for an STM32 which features:
-Cortex M4 or M7
-CAN bus capability
-FPU/DSP capability
-at least 512kb flash (tough I prefer 1MB or even more)
-no BGA (I need to adapt it manually to a breadboard for testing - BGA makes things complicated at this point, so TQFP 100 or someting like that would be perfect)
-probably available as free sample
I couldn't find any filter sttings for this search.
2023-05-15 8:08 AM
If you exclude the dual-core versions, STMicroelectronics currently has more than 380 different order numbers with your desired parameters. Just to list a few:
Does it answer your question?
2023-05-15 8:17 AM
How could you filter for that? Is there a website to filter for it?
2023-05-15 8:27 AM
You can either search online after selecting the right category (e.g. high performance MCUs), filtering as you go, or maybe a little easier with STM32CubeMX or the STM32CubeIDE.
2023-05-15 8:29 AM
CubeMX (probably also as part of CubeIDE, I use neither)
mouser.com, digikey.com :)