2024-07-29 6:22 AM
I want to control the intensity of 12 led's simultaneously. I purchased LED DRIVER 19 CLICK and STM32 Nucleo-L073RZ board. Please help me with the programing and interfacing.
2024-07-29 6:32 AM
@Vedant8186 wrote:I I purchased LED DRIVER 19 CLICK and STM32 Nucleo-L073RZ board. Please help me with the programing and interfacing.
You mean this: https://www.mikroe.com/led-driver-19-click ?
@Vedant8186 wrote:Please help me with the programing and interfacing.
What "help", exactly, do you need?
What have you tried? Where are you stuck?
As always, you can download the datasheet from the Product Page:
As you can see from the 'Tools & Software' tab, The Click board is a 3rd-party product; ST's own board is the X-NUCLEO-LED12A1.
ST have software support for their own board:
You should be able to adapt that for the 3rd-party board ...