2018-09-04 10:28 PM
We are facing data loss issue while ping test was conducted on the STM32F407 with lwip stack 1.4.1
The stack was downloaded for STM32F407 Evaluation Board Code from www.st.com site after changing pin configuration [used tftpserver standalone code] flashed into STM32f407ZE controller found that 10% of data loss.
code version on ST : STM32F4x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.1.1
Ethernet Mode used : MII Mode
Ethernet PHY : DP83848_PHY
IP : Static IP is used[DHCP mode is disabled].
tested in Both polling and interrupt method , both have same result. also tested by connecting PC Directly With Stm32407ZE target Board
note : we are not using Ethernet Link Status interrupt.
2018-09-05 12:38 AM
What exactly do you mean by Ping test: do you flood the board by ICMP requests sent out rapidly, or is it the "usual" ping sending out one request per second?
In the latter case I'd suspect design issue on the board (e.g. how do you clock the ETH part, what's the layout of PHY-to-mcu connection, etc). You may want to look at ETH_MMCRFCECR and ETH_MMCRFAECR too (or enable their respective interrupts and write some handling to indicate error in received frames).
2018-09-05 2:22 AM
Its usual ping message to the ip to check connectivity with server. The same test was conducted on STM32F107 board with lwip 1.3.1 the data loss was nil. PFA for the ping test
2018-09-05 2:37 AM
Attached file here
2018-09-05 2:59 AM
I think you are about to find out that "IoT" is a ruse and marketing bubble.
Filter out the non-relevent network traffic (e.g. a switch), and your tests will work.