2018-07-03 07:24 AM
Since STM32CubeMX 4.26.0 the file 'Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F3xx/Source/Templates/system_stm32f3xx.c' is created, even if 'Copy only the necessary library files' is selected.
#stmcube-bug #regression-testing-overrated #regression #bug2018-07-05 08:17 AM
,Thanks for your feedback.
I&39m not able to reproduce this issue: with 4.26.0 and
&39Copy only the necessary library files&39 selected Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F3xx/Source/Templates is empty.Could you please send me your ioc?
2018-07-06 02:06 AM
Sure, though sending does not seem possible using this forum (not even using PM)
You have to regenerate the project until you get a (grammatically wrong) warning that there was a problem generating the 'Makefileproject'. Just press the button multiple times. I assumed the warning was about some locking issue with my IDE, yet after ensuring that it can be reproduced using the striped ioc, it seems purely CubeMX-related to me. The template folder is generated even without the warning, yet is empty.
2018-09-05 04:02 AM
Hi @Moritz Strübe ,
Sorry for the late response.
This issue is already resolved , you can switch to the latest version of STM32CubeMX 4.26.1 or 4.27.0 scheduled for the end of this week.
Best regards,