2016-09-16 10:55 PM
Hi, i want to load program to stm32f0 . i am using MDK keil version 5.I have external st link/v2 for programing. i didn't have development board.
For programming connecting madeStm32f0
St link/v2VDD VDD
Ground (VSS)
but it didn't work . error when it connected ''no target is connected''. i am also try with STM32 ST-LINK Utility but same error. i didn't understand what to do ? i am new to stm32. please help me . thank you2016-09-17 1:47 AM
I think you will also need to connect up the nRST (Reset) wire aswell
2016-09-17 1:42 PM
It might not be an issue with the connections. If your board design doesn't start the CPU properly it is going to be inaccessible and thus the error.
Review carefully the supplies, especially the analogue ones, check the state of the NRST line. Share the design details for other to review. I too would connect the NRST to my debug interface.2016-09-17 9:17 PM
2016-09-18 12:34 AM
ok you need to check all connections for your particular chip - all Vdd (Supply) and Vss (Ground) need to be connected up.
BOOT0 needs a pull-down resistor The NRST needs a 100nF capacitor to ground See example schematic in ST board Really, if you are a beginner, I would recommend these boards or maybe Nucleo-64, or perhaps these arn't available where you are located2016-09-18 5:44 AM
VDDA needs to be connected for the part to start.
Pins 1 or 2 of the 20-pin JTAG Header need to have a supply connected to drive the buffers.2016-09-19 11:30 PM
Thank you clive1, barton.michael for your help.
finally i can load program to stm32 by using external st link/v2. to load program i made connection like this .STM32F0 ST LINK/V2
thank you to all for your suggestion and help.