2009-06-28 10:41 PM
How to get tech support for STM32
2011-05-17 4:15 AM
How do I get tech help on the STM32. The on line entry system seems to have an error every time I put in a request. When I contact Arrow they say contact ST and ST does not have a system to help with thier products. John
2011-05-17 4:15 AM
Hi John:
I understand your dilemma. What seems to work fairly well is to post questions on this forum and wait for answers from other users, or the Moderator. To learn how to use the STM32, you either have to go to Germany and take a 3-day training seminar with MicroConsult.de, or else you just have to spend a lot of time reading the PDF files and experimenting. For example, right now, I have spent a couple of days trying to figure out how to make internal connections between timers, but to no avail. So now I will post a message and see if somebody knows how to do it. As with any ARM processor, the entire ARM concept is unnecessarily complicated when compared to efficient CPUs such as Atmel, but if you need a lot of peripherals, like 5 UARTs, etc. then the STM32 works well. Basically, ARM is just a big waste of time, like CAN, but the industry is moving in that direction, so we have no choice but to follow. Best wishes, Garry.2011-05-17 4:15 AM
Thanks, I asked a question to help get this running and a guy asked me who going to pay the group for helping me.
2011-05-17 4:15 AM
I've been debating ''if/when/how'' to propose ways in which we STM forum users can influence ST to ''strengthen/improve'' this forum. (In no way do I mean to be negative toward STOne-32 - I'm certain he really cares - but even his forum activity has been obviously curtailed)
What to do - how to do it? ST prides itself in, ''following the market leaders'' - providing solutions optimized for these volume clients. And ST has grown/prospered - so this ''approach'' seems to have worked. (I doubt that ST/others have a scientifically proper ''double blind'' marketing protocol - so success is NOT proof-positive! ie. how much better would they have done ''if'' they followed the leaders AND invested more in this/other forums???) Not long ago EE Times reported that many hi-tech firms suffered substantial staff reductions - ST was listed at around 4,500 - some firms were worse. I'm not being ''dis-loyal/negative'' - I seek to make the case for forum improvements... Thus even chasing/accommodating the ''known/thought'' market leaders could ''not'' save thousands of ST jobs! So what do we ''unwashed'' do? Have we tried - constructively - realistically - to make the case for heightened forum and/or tech support? I wrote a piece suggesting/urging a listing of STM32 ''improvements (dare I say ''fixes''). We won forum blessings - to be ''kind'' ST's response has not been ''whole-hearted!'' (we remain on the ''to-do'' list...) Many who contribute/assist in this forum are extremely clever, experienced and resourceful - such qualities are NOT the exclusive domain of the ''market leaders!'' Has ST properly ''tapped'' this group - in aggregate cannot we provide ''great benefit'' to ST? We certainly have greater diversity than the leaders - being smaller we can often ''move faster'' and through such action - make valuable discoveries. Enough from this reporter. Perhaps we can briefly describe our project volumes - and ''prove'' that this forum deserves greater attention and investment. I always appreciate the efforts of STOne-32 - I would like to see him ''promoted'' to FULL-TIME forum leader - with a staff to better serve. ST likes to ''outperform the market.'' However the tech support offered by this forum does ''not'' match that of several other firms - one offering a similar Cortex device. Many here would ''love'' to see ST ''outperform the market'' in STM32 tech-support - and ''then'' see how STM32 Sales Increase... Regards to all, JJ2011-05-17 4:15 AM
Hi John:
I saw that reply, and I thought it was inappropriate. How may I help you? Garry.2011-05-17 4:15 AM
As with any ARM processor, the entire ARM concept is unnecessarily complicated Ha! I've been waiting for the new ARM opcode ''Disable all the junk and Get the heck out of my way'' , still waiting :-]2011-05-17 4:15 AM
On 18-06-2009 at 03:08, JJ wrote: I've been debating ''if/when/how'' to propose ways in which we STM forum users can influence ST to ''strengthen/improve'' this forum...See: And:2011-05-17 4:15 AM
so we have no choice but to follow.
Of course you have a choice! If another processor/architecture better fits your needs, then use it! Customers don't care what's inside the box - just so long as it works! If an AVR or 8051 can do the job, then use an AVR or an 8051!2011-05-17 4:15 AM