2011-05-11 3:51 PM
How to detect ADC channel?
2011-05-17 5:34 AM
Look in the firmware library examples for single conversions, with and without DMA.
Cheers, Hal2011-05-17 5:34 AM
Thanks Baird.
I have gone through firmware library examples, they have given the examples in which different channels are configure in different ADCs like ADC1 configure to channel14, ADC2 configure to channel13, ADC3 configure to channel12. But I want to configure ADC1 to Channel 12,13 and 14, and i have configured and I am getting the values sequentially. But my query is, how can I differentiate the ADC values with respect to the channel??; like if suppose first time I read the adc value and got some value but how can i know that value is from channel 12,13 or 14?? I did not find the API to recognize it.