2017-10-02 11:28 AM
I try to communicate via CAN. I can transmit data to PCAN but i can't receive in Normal Mode. When i use Loopback, i can receive data. Please Help me.. My configuration is here
/* CAN1 init function */
static void MX_CAN1_Init(void){CAN_FilterConfTypeDef sFilterConfig;
static CanTxMsgTypeDef TxMessage; static CanRxMsgTypeDef RxMessage;/*♯♯-1- Configure the CAN peripheral ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/
hcan1.Instance = CANx; hcan1.pTxMsg = &TxMessage; hcan1.pRxMsg = &RxMessage;hcan1.Init.TTCM = DISABLE;
hcan1.Init.ABOM = DISABLE; hcan1.Init.AWUM = DISABLE; hcan1.Init.NART = DISABLE; hcan1.Init.RFLM = DISABLE; hcan1.Init.TXFP = DISABLE; hcan1.Init.Mode = CAN_MODE_NORMAL; hcan1.Init.SJW = CAN_SJW_1TQ; hcan1.Init.BS1 = CAN_BS1_6TQ; hcan1.Init.BS2 = CAN_BS2_7TQ; hcan1.Init.Prescaler = 4;if (HAL_CAN_Init(&hcan1) != HAL_OK)
{ /* Initialization Error */ Error_Handler(); }/*♯♯-2- Configure the CAN Filter ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/
sFilterConfig.FilterNumber = 0; sFilterConfig.FilterMode = CAN_FILTERMODE_IDMASK; sFilterConfig.FilterScale = CAN_FILTERSCALE_32BIT; sFilterConfig.FilterIdHigh = 0x0000; sFilterConfig.FilterIdLow = 0x0000; sFilterConfig.FilterMaskIdHigh = 0x0000; sFilterConfig.FilterMaskIdLow = 0x0000; sFilterConfig.FilterFIFOAssignment = CAN_FIFO0; sFilterConfig.FilterActivation = ENABLE; sFilterConfig.BankNumber = 0;if (HAL_CAN_ConfigFilter(&hcan1, &sFilterConfig) != HAL_OK)
{ /* Filter configuration Error */ Error_Handler(); }/*♯♯-3- Configure Transmission process ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/
hcan1.pTxMsg->StdId = 0x321; hcan1.pTxMsg->ExtId = 0x01; hcan1.pTxMsg->RTR = CAN_RTR_DATA; hcan1.pTxMsg->IDE = CAN_ID_STD; hcan1.pTxMsg->DLC = 2;}
And i use these functions to enable them:
if (HAL_CAN_Receive_IT(&hcan1, CAN_FIFO0) != HAL_OK)
{ /* Reception Error */ Error_Handler(); }//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if (HAL_CAN_Transmit(&hcan1, 10) != HAL_OK)
{ /* Transmission Error */ Error_Handler(); }My MspDeInit functions :
void HAL_CAN_MspInit(CAN_HandleTypeDef *hcan)
{ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct;*♯♯-1- Enable peripherals and GPIO Clocks ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/
/* CAN1 Periph clock enable */ CANx_CLK_ENABLE(); / * Enable GPIO clock ****************************************/ CANx_GPIO_CLK_ENABLE();/*♯♯-2- Configure peripheral GPIO ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/
/* CAN1 TX GPIO pin configuration */ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = CANx_TX_PIN; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP; GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_VERY_HIGH; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP; GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = CANx_TX_AF;HAL_GPIO_Init(CANx_TX_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStruct);
/* CAN1 RX GPIO pin configuration */
GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = CANx_RX_PIN; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP; GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_VERY_HIGH; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP; GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = CANx_RX_AF;HAL_GPIO_Init(CANx_RX_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStruct);
/*♯♯-3- Configure the NVIC ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/
/* NVIC configuration for CAN1 Reception complete interrupt */ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(CANx_RX_IRQn, 2, 0); HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(CANx_RX_IRQn);}void HAL_CAN_MspDeInit(CAN_HandleTypeDef *hcan){ /*♯♯-1- Reset peripherals ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/ CANx_FORCE_RESET(); CANx_RELEASE_RESET();/*♯♯-2- Disable peripherals and GPIO Clocks ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/
/* De-initialize the CAN1 TX GPIO pin */ HAL_GPIO_DeInit(CANx_TX_GPIO_PORT, CANx_TX_PIN); /* De-initialize the CAN1 RX GPIO pin */ HAL_GPIO_DeInit(CANx_RX_GPIO_PORT, CANx_RX_PIN);/*♯♯-4- Disable the NVIC for CAN reception ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/
HAL_NVIC_DisableIRQ(CANx_RX_IRQn);}#stm32f72017-10-02 2:23 PM
What part are you using? What are the bus speeds? What is the CAN speed of the device sending you data?
What transceiver are you using? Is that enabled properly? Any board/design details you can share?
2017-10-02 3:43 PM
hcan1.Init.ABOM = DISABLE; <- this should be enable to enable bus recovery if a fault is detected.
your filters are enabled but no bits are set.
You have blocked receiving all addresses.
2017-10-02 6:10 PM
>>your filters are enabled but no bits are set. You have blocked receiving all addresses.
You sure? ID & 0 == 0 is true for all patterns
2017-10-02 6:30 PM
not sure, but it works if you set the filters.
by default maybe the filters should be all FF to enable all addresses.
maybe if you don't want to filter, then you could disable the feature. sFilterConfig.FilterActivation = DISABLE;
2017-10-03 1:11 AM
in the initialization, I use:
/* Enable Transmit mailbox empty Interrupt */
__HAL_CAN_ENABLE_IT (&hcan1, CAN_IT_TME); //!< Transmit mailbox empty interrupt //
__HAL_CAN_ENABLE_IT (&hcan1, CAN_IT_FMP0); //!< FIFO 0 message pending interrupt //
__HAL_CAN_ENABLE_IT (&hcan1, CAN_IT_FMP1); //!< FIFO 1 message pending interrupt //
in the Rx0 interrupt:
within the interrupt, I fill in a canRxMsg[table] for use in the foreground. probably under 10uSec within the interrupt.
* @brief This function handles CAN1 RX0 interrupts.
void CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler(void)
//CAN_Rx0_IRQFlag = true;
//CAN_IRQFlag = true;
checkCanRxFifos(); // data received before Hal can use it below.
// this way we get the data and the interrupt stays enabled.
void checkCanRxFifos(void) {
int readCanBytecount;
char canFifo1FullFlag = CAN1->RF1R & CAN_RF1R_FMP1;
if (canFifo1FullFlag) {
readCanBytecount = (CAN1->sFIFOMailBox[1].RDTR & 0x0f);
canRxMsgBottomWord[canRxMsgIN] = CAN1->sFIFOMailBox[1].RDLR; // load all eight bytes in 2 cycles
canRxMsgTopWord [canRxMsgIN] = CAN1->sFIFOMailBox[1].RDHR;
canRxMsgID[canRxMsgIN] = CAN1->sFIFOMailBox[1].RIR >> 21;
CAN1->RF1R |= CAN_RF1R_RFOM1; // release FIFO
canRxMsgLength[canRxMsgIN] = readCanBytecount;// was 0x10+ to signify FIFO1
++canRxMsgIN &= 0x3F;// 64 entries only
canRxMsgTableEMPTY = false;
if (canRxMsgIN == canRxMsgOUT) canRxMsgTableFULL = true;
CAN1->IER |= CAN_IER_FMPIE1; // (11)Set FIFO1 message pending IT enable
char canFifo0FullFlag = CAN1->RF0R & CAN_RF0R_FMP0;
if (canFifo0FullFlag) {
2017-10-03 1:18 AM
We use can transciever on board which is SN65HVD233MD.. My can bus speed is 1M/bit. I can transmit but can't receive.. I completely close filter.
When i send message from PCAN-View, my interrupt not triggered and Status is ''Bus-Off''
2017-10-03 1:18 AM
I completely close Filter Configuration. But nothing change :\
2017-10-03 1:48 AM
Did you try the ABOM bit ?
________________ Attachments : image001.jpg : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HyOw&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000b74%2FxGviFwXmTtFgawC7w1an3G5PZJi3yf4NIuSUFAPuvVk&asPdf=falseimage002.jpg : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HyOm&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000b75%2F4dvUuJr2An3aEHzSxczja4tRnVtWzZb5hW7Yux2S4ig&asPdf=false2017-10-03 2:00 AM
Yes, i try. No problem when i just transmit packet. But i try to receive, interrupt does not trigger and HAL_CAN_Transmit stop the work and call Error Handler();
My hal libraries may be incorrect? stm32f7xx_hal_can.c? I added this code to library to work together transmit and receive :
__HAL_UNLOCK(hcan); (inside HAL_CAN_Receive_IT())