2022-11-21 12:16 PM
Hello everyvone;
How can ı measure distance with mpu6050, is it possible? I can measure angle, accelaration value with mpu6050 but ı can't measure distance..How can i measure distance using acceleration value from mpu6050.
2022-11-21 12:29 PM
This isn't an ST part.
Presumably you can use an understanding of time and motion to extrapolate, but it's unlikely to be accurate/precise.
Velocity is how distance changes over time.
Acceleration is how Velocity changes over time.
Understand how time passes.
Understand at what point in time the velocity and acceleration measurement were made.
2022-11-21 12:31 PM
Thanks for answer Tesla;
I guess it can be calculated from the rules of mathematics, I have to continue researching because its important for me.
2022-11-21 1:20 PM
The buzzwords to look for are sensor fusion, dead reckoning, and Kahlman filter.
2022-11-21 1:44 PM
Kalman, Rudolf
KF - Kalman Filter
EKF - Extended Kalman Filter
2022-11-21 1:48 PM
Physics and Kinematics
With multiple sensors, clocking or triggering independently, the time domain is going to be especially cumbersome.