2015-07-20 2:34 PM
Hi All,
I need to transfer a large amount of binary data to my STM32 and am trying to figure out what the best way to do this would be. The data throughput needs to be roughly 8Mbps. The device has USB so I was thinking either that or doing SPI through a USB-SPI device.
What's the best approach to this?
2015-07-20 2:54 PM
Do you have any practical experience with this USB-SPI device?
The USB-FS on the F3 can do 12 Mbps, through realistically I doubt you'd get much more than half of this as usable bandwidth.Is this data you're rending on-the-fly, or something you can store on an SPI memory chip, or SD Card?2015-07-21 2:54 AM
Check this out
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JArPHfvhkCQ2015-07-21 2:49 PM
The idea was to use an FTDI SPI part as karpavicius suggested in the youtube video, but I don't have any practical experience with this part yet.
The data will essentially be low-res video data and will be rendered on the fly.I would be interested in trying out the USB on the F3. Would upgrading to an F4 be a better choice for this?