2020-06-28 10:42 AM
can someone tell me where i can find info relating to directives such as AREA ,EXPORT ,DCD as i dont know what they mean .
2020-06-28 11:09 AM
So I checked some arm cortex M3 books and i found some fantastic info on everything,
Book : ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques
2020-06-28 11:34 AM
Just out of curiosity, why do you use the assembler on a Cortex M3?
2020-06-28 11:42 AM
@Nikita91 ,Ive programmed Microchips dspic's for quite some time in Assembler ,there 16 bit mcu's ,But i changed my directions to a 32bit arm processor due to speed related problems,Now Since I havent really programmed much in C, im just accustomed to Asm programming, Although things are going to get dirty when im doing Intensive Calculations and video processing,but I'm not bothered by it for now.Im sure your extremely experienced in this and i would definatly like to hear what you have to say in this Sir .
2020-06-28 11:50 AM
One More Solid reason im not shifting to C and choosing asm is personal,I have mentors around me who have been programmnig in Asm for years, Understanding assembly helps me sync with there thought level,I can always shift to C as i do know C alot but havent programmed on any Embedded system before.
2020-06-28 6:39 PM
I'd have to imagine ARM/KEIL have documentation for the assembler..
DCD is data constant double-word (32-bit), equivalent to DD in other assemblers
EXPORT pushes the symbol to the object file interface, making it bindable by the linker, equivalent to PUBLIC.
AREA is a section/segmentation naming directive, equivalent to SEG, SEGMENT, SECTION
2020-06-28 11:32 PM
Thankyou very much @Community member