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Hi, I want to take data through single GPIO port pin (no UART) and store data in to program flash memory. It is like I want to program my controller through GPIO port pin. My controller is STM32G031. Can anybody help in this regard? Thanks, kaushik

Associate II
Associate II


has anybody the answer?


Perhaps hire someone who can code?

Are you able to program the flash memory with an arbitrary stream now? If not perhaps avail yourself of the flash code examples in the Cube G0 HAL libraries, and then modify those to "read the GPIO pin" or whatever your protocol for this is.

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Hi Tesla,

Thanks for the answer. I am new to ST. I am facing problem to import example code to my current workspace to start with. I used CCS before for TI controller and its easy to import any project from anywhere in CCS. Can you please suggest stepwise how to import and run successfully existing example code of the repository folder in STm32Cube IDE?

