2018-10-01 01:36 AM
I have code that runs on the NUCLEO-F767ZI kit and have recently obtained the STM32F7779I-EVAL kit. My program is very simple, it does not do any IO (yet), so I (perhaps naively) thought that just changing the processor type in my IAR Embedded Workbench project and rebuilding would be all that I needed to do to make it run on the new kit. But my application hangs up very early in startup. I think i t may be where I am setting up the system clocks. Anyone got any pointers for me?
2018-10-01 04:39 AM
Those two boards use different crystals, one 8 MHz the other 25.
Fix HSE_VALUE in stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h and then the PLL divider in the clock configuration code.
2018-10-08 11:16 PM
Thanks for that. Up and running now.