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Hello, I have a STM32core F446RE board that I should clone. I need to download the configuration that it has loaded to be able to take it to another board. How could I do it? Thank you very much in advance. Greetings.

Associate II

Clone STM32 nucleo F446RE.

ST Employee

Welcome, @JFigu.3​, to the community!

Well, to clone, you just need to read the firmware and write it to the new STM32, for which you can perfectly use STM32CubeProg.

However, this requires that the STM32 to be cloned has not been protected against reading.

Hope that helps?



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Associate II

OK, perfect Peter, in principle it is not protected.

I will try, thank you very much.

Use Read and Save-As functionality (button/drop-down) on right side of download pane.

Base address 0x08000000, and then whatever size spans the device content. Save as a .BIN file.

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Associate II

Perfecto, muchas gracias.

Ya tengo el archivo BIN, para cargarlo en la otra placa ¿cómo debo hacerlo?


Associate II

Perfect, thank you very much.

I already have the BIN file, to load it on the other board how should I do it?


Along the left edge are tabs, click on the second one down for the download pane, then select file and address details to write the binary at 0x08000000 on the new/empty device.

Click "Start Programming" once detail fields filled in.

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Associate II

Perfect, thank you very much.