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Hello guys. Could someone help me with an example or tutorial on how to use I²C interface slave mode on stm32f103c8t6. strong hug.

Associate III

Arduino uses low-order 7-bit for Address, whereas ST uses high-order 7-bit

ie Arduino side 0x42, ST side 0x84

I guess make the ST-to-ST method to work first

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@Community member​  Do you have an example or tutorial of STM32 master communicating with another STM32 slave, send me the link.

Guys, thanks for the support you've given me.

If you have any material that I can use as a base, please send it to me.

Unfortunately I don't have resources/bandwidth to work on STM32F1 tutorials/examples. The HAL examples cover various boards, and STM32 families, along with the docs within the libraries.

You could perhaps fish Github, etc.

Or get CubeMX to spit out some boiler plate code.

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