2021-05-08 05:31 AM
Has anyone workding SDRAM on H753zi2 Nucleo?
To start I have a F767 with the IS42S16160J working. Writes and reads back fine. Proven by disconnecting a line and the test code finds it.
Move to H743zi2. No joy, it just reads almost radom back.
I changed the clock of the H743 to match the F767 and the sam settings, but still no joy.
I did find going to STM32CubeIDE 1.6.1 there is a new RCC setting for the LDO that set it to 3 and slowed the clock so I coulnt get 480MHz, but setting to 0 fixes it (documeted elsewhere but not by ST). Altough backed off to 100 or 200 for memory tests.
hen I found the chip revision defaulted to Y but the chip physically says V. Any ideas?!
So there seems to be a lot of incorrect "defaults" in the new version.
I started a project from scratch - no jpy on the H743.
I have used IS42S16160J and IS42S16160G (both very similar)
Does anyone have working code on th H743 for SDRAM andthe MCettings to compare. So far I am lost!!!!!
Most of the pins do pulse (not D0 but it doesnt on the F767 unless I write slowly) when doing bytewise but using a 16bit byte address.
It still makes no sense why the same setup on both does not work.
I have checked through the boards and so far no shorts missing connections etc and thats 2 days checking.
Thank you!!!!
All suggestions and code welcome!
2022-01-17 11:10 PM
Hi, were you able to make it work?
2022-01-18 11:56 AM