2025-01-30 7:42 AM - edited 2025-01-30 7:52 AM
I have several problems with the NUCLEO-H7S3L8 board
1) When initializing the USB - HS peripherals, I getting stuck in the "USB_CoreReset" function:
and after some time when (count > HAL_USB_TIMEOUT) the program goes to Error_Handler(). This happens identically when I initialize the project with the board selection (file nucleo_h7s3l8_test.rar)
The project is launched on an internal flash drive without using XSPI, i.e. only the ..._BOOT project is used and ...APPLI is always closed.
2) Then I started digging into the examples and using the UM3294 instruction 5.2.3 Developing an application in the external flash memory, page 21
The project is presented below: STM32Cube_FW_H7RS_V1.1.0\Projects\NUCLEO-H7S3L8\Applications\USB_Device\CDC_Standalone
But the program never goes into debug and gets stuck at a strange address.
I tried to run only ..._BOOT but the initialization of the external memory is going through errors and as a result, the transfer of control to the external flash does not occur.
I am attaching photos of the ordered board: