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HardFault when using IAR 6.50

Associate II
Posted on April 13, 2015 at 19:57

Noticed an ''interesting'' issue that I was unable to trackdown.

If I compile the example LwIP_UDPTCP_Echo_Server_Netconn_RTOS using IAR 7.40 everything works fine YET when I compile the same code using IAR 6.50 I get an HardFault.

Tried to track down the cause but in vail...

I need to use 6.50 as thats the license we have, I use size limit with 7.40 (removed TCP to squeeze it in :))

Do you have any idea how to attack this issue?

Starting with Ethernet cable unplugged:


tcpip_init(NULL, NULL);



Enters ethernetif_input - once



(netif_is_link_up(&gnetif)) is false


(... working fine, LED blinks ...)

Plugging in the Ethernet cable:



(netif_is_link_up(netif)) is True



Enters ethernetif_input - many times

low_level_input, 2x244 bytes 2x187 2x92 244, 243, ...


while (1)...
Posted on April 14, 2015 at 01:11

Consider implementing a handler that does more than loop. Joseph Yiu has published some good examples, start there, and identify what's actually faulting, and what the registers tell you about the problem.

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Associate II
Posted on April 14, 2015 at 20:33

Thank you Clive,

Thats a nice reference, I will look into it.

Associate II
Posted on April 17, 2015 at 22:28

I found some nice (and very old) links and I implemented their suggested code.

With optimization set to Medium or Low it ~didn't work (it cleared some of the registers, but still shows it's a BUS fault).

When optimization was set to High-Speed I was able to receive full data, yet I can't conclude the reason for the fault..

As suggested I also added static to the relevant variables.

What can you learn from this?

[Hard fault handler]

R0 = 20012f3c

R1 = 20011ea2

R2 = 20011e6c

R3 = 20011e8a

R12 = 20011e7c

LR = 20013004   -> Link register

PC = 20013008 -> Program counter -> gnetif

PSR = 8008534 -> N (GE-84) (ISR-134)

BFAR = bc01b51b -> Bus fault address (4.4.12, p223) -> ????? there is nothing there!

CFSR = 8200 -> Usage fault status register (4.4.11, p222): Bus Fault Address Register-> BFAR holds a valid fault address.

HFSR = 40000000 -> Hard fault status register (4.4.14, p225): Forced hard fault

DFSR = b -> ???

AFSR = 0 -> Auxiliary fault status register

Associate II
Posted on April 17, 2015 at 22:31

The images as links.. Should I delete them from the post?

Posted on April 18, 2015 at 00:43

Yeah, I'm not sure that's working, your code's in RAM?

The stack data isn't at a fixed address, and the LR code to get the right stack register in R0 needs to be outside the C code. ie assembler code at the Hard_Fault_Handler, then calling your C code. In Keil something like this...

; in startup.s
HardFault_Handler PROC
EXPORT HardFault_Handler
IMPORT HardFault_Handler_C
TST LR, #4
B HardFault_Handler_C
ENDP ; HardFault_Handler
// in main.c
void HardFault_Handler_C(unsigned int* hardfault_args)
unsigned int stacked_r0;
unsigned int stacked_r1;
unsigned int stacked_r2;
unsigned int stacked_r3;
unsigned int stacked_r12;
unsigned int stacked_lr;
unsigned int stacked_pc;
unsigned int stacked_psr;
stacked_r0 = ((unsigned long) hardfault_args[0]);
stacked_r1 = ((unsigned long) hardfault_args[1]);
stacked_r2 = ((unsigned long) hardfault_args[2]);
stacked_r3 = ((unsigned long) hardfault_args[3]);
stacked_r12 = ((unsigned long) hardfault_args[4]);
stacked_lr = ((unsigned long) hardfault_args[5]);
stacked_pc = ((unsigned long) hardfault_args[6]);
stacked_psr = ((unsigned long) hardfault_args[7]);

[Hard fault handler - all numbers in hex]

printf(''R0 = %x

'', stacked_r0);
printf(''R1 = %x

'', stacked_r1);
printf(''R2 = %x

'', stacked_r2);
printf(''R3 = %x

'', stacked_r3);
printf(''R12 = %x

'', stacked_r12);
printf(''LR [R14] = %x subroutine call return address

'', stacked_lr);
printf(''PC [R15] = %x program counter

'', stacked_pc);
printf(''PSR = %x

'', stacked_psr);
printf(''BFAR = %x

'', (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000ED38))));
printf(''CFSR = %x

'', (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000ED28))));
printf(''HFSR = %x

'', (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000ED2C))));
printf(''DFSR = %x

'', (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000ED30))));
printf(''AFSR = %x

'', (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000ED3C))));
printf(''SCB_SHCSR = %x

'', SCB->SHCSR);

You'll have to adapt for your IAR chains
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Associate II
Posted on April 23, 2015 at 11:47

Thank you again for your hints! 

Using LR I've been able to track down the problem to a macro in FreeRTOS\tasks.c (which seems to run from memory, hence the address).

Since I can put a breakpoint I added a debug variable to find the problematic line.

If I try to debug further (adding more debug code) the location of the hard-fault changes..

Can't figure out how to track it down, in the vast RTOS/LwIp code..


... \

df=5; \

listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxCurrentTCB, &( pxReadyTasksLists[ uxTopReadyPriority ] ) );\

df=6; \ ...