‎2018-05-18 05:50 AM
‎2018-05-18 06:08 AM
Review the processor registers and assembler instructions at the fault to get a better idea of what the cause might be.
Generally will be issues accessing memory, either memory that doesn't exist or alignment issues. Check things like stack size, potential corruption on stack. Make sure not to link 32-bit code into the project.
Do you have a teacher, colleague or supervisor who can work with you on these things?
‎2018-05-18 07:22 AM
Thank you for your help in advance
‎2018-05-18 07:23 AM
How to
stack size, potential corruption on stack pleaase ??
and how to
Make sure not to link 32-bit code into the project. ??
‎2018-05-18 07:56 AM
If the project is empty and generated by the CubeMX - please check the clocking. Try HSI as it is build-in clock and check again.
‎2018-05-18 08:10 AM
I tried HSI instead of HSE in systemClock_config and it is same '' Hard fault handler ( FORCED) '
;(‎2018-05-18 08:22 AM
Yes I am using this board T32479I EVAL..
Idid not understand your question
25 MHz?
Running at 128.57 MHz?
it is
FLASH_LATENCY3 shall I increment it to four for example ?
‎2018-05-18 10:26 AM
You're clearly plugging some parameters into CubeMX about the clock settings.
I'm observing that the generated example looks to run at 128.57 MHz, is that expected?
Issues with FLASH can cause Hard Faults, try FLASH_LATENCY_4
Do you work with anyone with more experience who can work with you on this?
‎2018-05-18 10:45 AM
Review the board schematic. The board should have a 25 MHz clock. I would expect the PLL_M parameter to be 25, and the definition of HSE_VALUE in the project should be 25000000
If CubeMX is not generating viable code with the settings you are inputting, perhaps try the HAL examples for the board.
Consider also posting the registers reported at the hard fault, and the disassembly view of the instructions that are faulting..
If you can get the USART_Printf example working perhaps add a HardFault_Handler that printf() data about the situation rather than looping in a while(1);
‎2018-07-05 03:38 AM
I would honestly suggest to look for a local mentor, who can sit at the screen with you.
Seems you are a bit overtasked.