2009-01-15 06:15 PM
Handcrafted FIR routine
#stm32l2011-05-17 03:59 AM
Here is my attempt at an efficient FIR routine.
It uses a long table of instructions to avoid the overhead of looping. After all, compared to the early days of micros there is plenty of space in these chips. I wasn't too impressed with the flexibility of the FIR routine in the recent DSP library. This filter works well with circular buffers (of any size). Filters (of any length) can be swapped easily. Please check the software thoroughly for errors before using - and use at your own risk (after thorough testing). I feel the DSP capabilties of the STM32 is one of its strengths and it is an area where ST should put more effort into. Analog Devices are a good example to follow when it comes to DSP application notes, theory etc. (eg. Digital Signal Processing in VLSI, Digital Signal Processing Applications using the ADSP-2100 family) Greg.2011-05-17 03:59 AM
Dear Greg,
Many thanks for your excellent contribution ...