2023-03-08 5:35 AM
I tried the Hal_Delay function but it's not work Do you have any idea for this error ?
And my code still waits at this loop :
Thank you for your helps
2023-03-08 5:40 AM
In this function is something missing ?
there is no IRQ inside this function ?
2023-03-08 6:41 AM
Have you configured / activated the SysTick?
It looks like you're using CubeMX, there's a a setting somewhere you have to click, quite on top under system or so.
In source activation should be done in the baic MCU config.
2023-03-08 6:42 AM
Or just add this:
/* use systick as time base source and configure 1ms tick (default clock after Reset is HSI) */
HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn, 0, 0);
2023-03-08 6:53 AM
I'm not familar with the code (I'm a new user), I prefer to go through Cube IDE. I suppose it's this tab I need to activate ?
And I select SysTick probably ?
no parameters to be configured ? What does that mean ? I specify that I have an evaluation board STM32L552E-EV.
2023-03-08 7:03 AM
Technically it is classified as a System Handler not an IRQ, and it also doesn't use the HALs callback abstraction.
The MCU doesn't start it automatically, and it needs a clock cycle count that relates the processor's clocking speed with the desired interrupt rate. This is often 1 KHz, but doesn't have to be.
It is implemented as a 24-bit down counter.
2023-03-08 7:33 AM
Hello Tesla,
You say : 'and it needs a clock cycle count that relates the processor's clocking speed with the desired interrupt rate'.
Can you give me more detail How I can do it ? Thank you
2023-03-08 7:50 AM
Upload your IOC file so we can check if you configured it correctly.
2023-03-08 7:54 AM
Sorry I don't know how to upload .IOC file but I can give you the screenshot.
2023-03-08 7:57 AM