2024-08-08 3:43 AM
I'm going to store JPEG data in an array and then decode it
I'm using H7A3ZI-Q for the board
uint16_t outdatabuffer [65535] ={0};
JPEG_Decode_DMA(&JPEG_Handle,(uint32_t)frameBuffer,bufferPointer , outdatabuffer);
I used this code, but only 0 was saved in outdatabuffer
Please let me know if there is any additional part or example code that needs to be set to decode the JPEG image data.
Thank you.
2024-08-09 3:51 AM
Hello @achovy
I recommend you that you get inspired from this JPEG decoding example:
You can get further information from this application note AN4996: How to use the JPEG codec peripheral on STM32 MCUs.