2010-06-30 5:51 PM
GPL toolchain OpenOCD/GDB installers for Windows
2011-05-17 4:56 AM
Some further info in what I had to do to get the STDPeriph Lib IO Toggle example to work on the Olimex STM32-H103 board . I would appreciate any feedback on what I have done from those more experienced;
Eclipse setup;1/ External Tools Configuration;
Location C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOCD\0.4.0\bin\openocd.exe Working directory ${workspace_loc:/IOToggle} Arguments -f olimex_stm32_h103.cfg -f olimex-jtag-tiny.cfg -d 32/Debug configurations
GDB Debugger C:\devkitPro\devkitARM\bin\arm-eabi-gdb.exe Commands target remote localhost:3333 symbol-file main.out set remotetimeout 2000 monitor reset init monitor flash erase_sector 0 0 31 monitor flash write_image main.bin 0x08000000 monitor reset init thbreak main cont IOToggle example in StdPeriph ; A number of changes to get rid of compile and link errors. Some of these may not be the right way to do it, but works ok. Note that I removed the use of all the Eval files ie abstraction layer associated with other boards; * in main added #include ''system_stm32f10x.c'' and #include ''stm32f10x_conf.h'' to fix SystemInit compile errors * In main removed #include stm32_eval.h and all use of Eval.h defined names, LED etc from program. Replaced code with direct operations via GPIOC>BRR commands. * core_cm3.h ln 1780 and 1800; added define int ITM_RxBuffer; added to remove linking error, otherwise undefinded error. * stm32f10x_conf.h moved assert code to before periph file #includes to remove error re assert not defined. In addition to the above added makefile, linking file stm32_flash.ld and startup_stm32f10x_md to the project, along with required files as per the project example README. I can provide more details of what I ended up with in the project if anyone needs this. So I have now upgraded from the very out of date software provided with the Olimex board to current release of OpenOCD/GDB/Eclipse on Windows 7 and using the StdPeriph library instead of the old FWLib. I would appreciate any comments from experienced programmers on what I have done, as I admit that this has been a steep learning curve and I may not have overcome the compile / link errors in the right way. Phil2011-05-17 4:56 AM
Just a warning that some of the changes I had to do to get the code working may have been due to issues with my makefile. It looks like I may have been fixing build errors by changing the includes within the program sources when the error was really due to errors in makefile.