2025-01-22 05:01 PM
I got a NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q board and downloaded all the docs and software (en.stm32cubeh7-v1-12-0.zip).
When I go to C:\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.12.0\Projects\NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q, there’s just a read.me file that says: “All projects available under Projects\NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q are fully compatible with NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q board.”
I follow the “C:/STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.12.0/Projects/Archives/STM32CubeProjectsList.html” document
The only device that’s close is the STM32H745ZI which I select. It then displays the alert “The device STM32H745ZI_CM7 is not recognized by TrueSTUDIO.”
What component am I missing?
Also, where's the STM32CubeMX file for the NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q board?