2012-02-02 1:16 AM
I've just installed Atollic true studio 2.3.0 free edition for ST32 but I don't understand how to setup the IDE with the demo projects of the AN3268.
It seems the AN3268 workspace was intended for an older version of Atollic True studio :( Have you a folder containing the AN3268 projects designed for the new Atollic true studio? Or is it avaible a tutorial for this sistuation? Thank you #utasker-atollic #atollic-discovery2012-02-02 9:44 AM
The last version of Atollic Lite I tried had projects disabled, and there were directory issues with ST supplied projects. ie expectations of where you put things, and the use of the full version.
Get an evaluation of Keil or IAR, and it will work out of the box, or at least be several orders of magnitude less frustrating. The following has a tutorial for STM32F4-Discovery projects with the various tool chains, but might be instructive for the STM32 VL-Discoveryhttp://www.st.com/internet/com/TECHNICAL_RESOURCES/TECHNICAL_LITERATURE/USER_MANUAL/DM00037368.pdf
A quick Google pulled up this tutorial2012-02-08 4:19 AM
After a lot of wasted time, I decided to move to IAR.
I hope the Kickstart edition 32Kb limited it's ok for the demos .. Thank you Federico2012-03-02 3:54 PM
See also:http://www.utasker.com/docs/STM32/uTaskerV1.4_STM32_Developers_Document.pdf
This gives guides to using Atollic, IAR, Keil, GCC and Rowley Crossworks and the uTasker project will build with all of these. The Atollic Lite version is very restrictive but the Atollic project is set up so that it works 'out-of-the'box' with it on the STM32F4xx. Regards Mark uTasker project: