2022-12-26 09:59 PM
I tried to debug my code into my custom board controller (STM32F030RCT6) through STM32f0 Discovery. when I try to debug, I got the error ''No source available for ''0x8000f24''
So please tell me how to fix this error.
2022-12-27 12:02 PM
Already the caller address 0xffffffff is invalid. Some kind of overflow/bad linker script/missing handler. Try to set a breakpoint shortly before that happens and single-step debug to find the root cause.
2022-12-27 12:04 PM
Are you running a boot-loader?
Is the application code running from 0x08000000 or some place else?
2022-12-27 09:14 PM
Yes, I run boot-loader, and my application code running from 0x08002800