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Getting different value in buffer than expected from Oscilloscope.

Divesh Dutt
Associate II

Hi Guys i am trying to get the data from lidar which works on UART and i am using interrupt to get the data value but i am not getting the acc to datasheet of lidar i am using HAL_UART_Receive_IT(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size); function to fill my buffer here is the datasheet screen shots

and yes i am using 115200 baud rate.

Divesh Dutt
Associate II


Should just post the data sheet link?

and perhaps the data you see on the oscilloscope vs in memory? You know, the stuff that's material to your observation/assertion, and not on the wider internet already.

Different how? If you poll a byte at a time do you see the expected data form?

Using what STM32, board, etc?

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Divesh Dutt
Associate II

Also the datasheet is outdated this is what i got from oscilloscope0690X000006C7KAQA0.bmpso instead of getting 0x59 i am getting 0x9A and i am using NUCLEO-64.

Ok, so a pair of 0x59 bytes, no perceivable inter-symbol gap beyond the start/stop bits. Do you have coverage of the complete frame?

Computer receives what?

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Divesh Dutt
Associate II

well i am not able to get full waveform so i reduced time scale 0690X000006C7KPQA0.bmp

and this is what i am getting from buffer0690X000006C7KUQA0.png

Bob S

0x59 = bit reversed 0x9a. Check your USART settings for MSB/LSB first.

You want the buffer as bytes not 16-bit words, you'd need words if you were using a 9-bit mode, but you shouldn't be here.

0x5959 is 22873

@Bob S​ standard UART serial is LSB first, don't think it is an option to do it anyway else on the STM32.

The first scope trace is START(0) 10011010 STOP(1), twice

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Bob S

At least on 32L4xx, there is a MSBFIRST bit in USARTx_CR2. Unless I missed it (possible), Divesh doesn't say WHICH Nucleo-64 so I don't know exactly which CPU he is using.

But I think you found the issue w/16-bit data. The sample data he posted shows 2 packets if you unwind the 16-bit data into bytes.

Divesh Dutt
Associate II

Hey guys i am using Nucleo-f303