2017-04-11 9:26 AM
I want to generate test patterns to a display. Is there any examples of driving the DSI output with internal memory?
2017-04-11 10:08 AM
, What do you mean 'without camera interface' ? Could you please provide more details about your generate 'test patterns to a display' and which device are you using ?You'll probably want to reviewLCD_DSI examples within STM32CubeF4/F7 firmware package that will help you to have more idea on how implementation is done.
So, you can refer to the working example in the STM32Cube package relevant for your device :
May this application note helps you:
I hope that this brings some help to you.
2017-04-11 10:22 AM
So let me make sure I understand this:
The DSIHOST supports 720P30 (on the STM32F769 per the datasheet)
To enable the DSIHOST in STM32CubeMX, I must also enable the LTDC
The LTDC does not support 720P30 (from trying to match the parameters on STM32CubeMX).
So any display I want to generate, I need code that does not use the LTDC?
2017-04-11 11:00 AM
All of the examples are resolutions lower than 720P30. Does that indicate that this resolution is not really possible?
2017-04-13 5:31 AM
,Please note that you can interface STM32 to your display either with:
Regarding LTDC configuration, you should use STM32CubeMX Version 4.1.
In this new version there is no more limitation on LTDC parameters that prevents from using 720p
But in order to know if your display can be supported, you must consider the pixel clock parameter of your display.
In fact, for the STM32 DSI Host there are two constraints that limit the maximum supported pixel clock which are:
DSI Host on STM32F4 Series and STM32F7 Series microcontrollers/external-link.jspa?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.st.com%2Fcontent%2Fccc%2Fresource%2Ftechnical%2Fdocument%2Fapplication_note%2Fgroup0%2F25%2Fca%2Ff9%2Fb4%2Fae%2Ffc%2F4e%2F1e%2FDM00287603%2Ffiles%2FDM002876pdf%2Fjcr%3Acontent%2Ftranslations%2Fen.DM002876pdf
gives some figures of the max pixel clock supported in different scenarios.If you use LTDC parallel RGB interface, only the second constraint is to be considered.
Hope this bring you some help.
2017-05-03 10:09 AM
I guess I am confused about your response. I am trying to use the pattern generator on the MIPI DSI interface and you are referencing app notes about the parallel interface. None of the HAL code examples use the test patterns and I had thought it was trivial to enable, but it is not working on my board. I don't see any transitions on the data pins.
2017-05-04 11:30 AM
So from what I can tell from this post and others I searched, there does not appear to be any experience in using the DSI interface to configure the panels nor is there any example code for using the internal pattern generator for the DSI interface. Is this true?
2017-05-04 3:46 PM
Is this true?
Forums can be like empty rooms, there's no guarantee that anyone with the experience you want is in the room, or that they are free to talk to you. The engineers that designed/implement the stuff are firewalled behind FAEs. Don't ask rhetorical questions. When you're first up the mountain, you have to run your own rope line. In your situation, I'd RTFM, and Experiment..
2017-05-04 3:55 PM
So it is not fair to ask if anybody has experience with the issue I am working through? It was not intended as a rhetorical question. And yes, I am not just waiting around twiddling my thumbs, I am reading the manual and running my board trying to work through things. Given this is the only source of information for smaller customers, I would hope that instead of just jumping in with quick snappy responses that the people responding would try to be helpful. It is frustrating that forum's like this seem to dominated by people who like to put people in their place instead of helping them.
2017-05-04 8:29 PM
I'm not saying its not fair, I'm saying the lack of responses IS your answer. ie You come back into the room to ask if anyone is there when you were just in it already and there weren't.
There isn't this vast army of helper monkeys here, there's a handful of people, because people predominantly don't contribute anything, but still expect free professional support. If you paid $85/hr like you have to for the dealer's mechanic to work on your car, you might get some better service.
When nobody gives you any resources, you get more resourceful.
Wilson concludes: 'Hermann Hauser says he gave us the things Intel could never give us, no resources, no time and no money.'